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Translating a few words from English to Portuguese

Ground control- controlo em terra/base
Helmet- capacete
Countdown- contagem decrescente 
Engine- motor 
Ignition- ignição 
Capsule- cápsula 
Dare- desafiar 
Floating- flutuando
Stars- estrelas
Peculiar- estranho/ peculiar
Spaceship- nave espacial 


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I think my blog is quite simple, definitely too much, but at the same time I was able to show a good amount of my works. I was unable to share a few other things I made but the most improtant ones are here. In terms of my participation in the class' project, I think that I contributed significantly with all the works I made over the year (because I mostly did what was asked) , even after missing some of them.

Slides presentation about Maria Veleda

This is a slides presentation I made with my classmate Carolina Ferreira.

Six statements about AI

AI is a robot´s ability to think and act like a human.- T People don´t see any differences between male and female robots .- F AI is now a fundamental part of techonology.- T Female robots are used in many different tasks, not just “tasks normally assigned to women”- F Male robots seem more trustworthy to people, so they think they (male robots) are more capable-T There is no longer stereotypes about gender equality and AI helps to prove and reinforce it.-F